Monday, 20 June 2011

E4 Ident Evaluation

I came to a decision which was cutout animation. My idea’s theme was comedy and involved a collection of popular sitcoms from E4 put into a cutout animation with memorable quotes playing in the back ground while the characters mimed. At the end of the ident I made a short sequence of the characters followed by a miniature cartoon like explosion then the E4 logo to conclude.

My personal opinion was that my ident was a success. On the other hand this opinion was backed up by the feedback I received from my colleagues in my class and my tutor. What made my ident a success I believe was the amount of creativity and humour which tends to capture and entertain a mass majority of audiences, especially fans of sitcoms and E4. Positives aside, there is always room for improvement. I noticed the way I edited my ident was not very smooth and is quite far away from a professional standard. White balance alongside with contrast stood out as amature not to mention sound levels and the timing of the characters lip sync with the audio. Improvement of these points would of made a dramatic difference in my ident. The fact I realise all this will have a big impact on any future video based project I do in future. I believe this was a positive experience for me and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Having no previous experience with istopmotion and Macintosh computers made this assignment difficult for me. With help from my peers and tutor I got to grip with the software and computer and slowly progressed to create my ident. Stop start animation is a long process and I found it very difficult especially cutout animation. I tried very hard to get my idea from my head to paper, from paper to computer, from computer to the internet (youtube).

Having over 90% positive feedback for my ident made me more than happy as it was much more than I had expected. If ever given the chance to do an identical or similar project I believe I would be able to be more organised, more focused and more importantly more professional.

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